
Monday, February 25, 2013

Unable to Run "Indented Bill of Materials"

Unable to Run "Indented Bill of Materials"

All ingredients should have a value for contribute_yield_ind of either 'Y' or 'N'. This indicator is only relevant to ingredients - it is not even visible on screen for products or by products. However, it appears that if the value is NULL for a product, the report has a problem. all products have a value of 'Y'. This will have no effect on anything else in the system because this column is not relevant to products. We can amend the update to make sure that we do not change any ingredients as follows, but there should not be any ingredients with a null value for this column, and if there is we need to fix that also.

update GMD.fm_matl_dtl
set contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
where contribute_yield_ind is NULL
and line_type <> -1;
The above Query to be updated in production to make the Report run

Note: This will have no effect on anything else in the system because this column is not relevant to products

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