
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Email Multiple File Attachments From Solairs / AIX / HP-UX / UNIX / Linux Command Line

Email Multiple File Attachments From Solairs / AIX / HP-UX / UNIX / Linux Command Line

Task: Email reports.tar.gz File

Type the uuencode command as follows:
uuencode reports.tar.gz reports.tar.gz | mailx -s "My Report"
Please note that the file name "reports.tar.gz" appears twice on the uuencode command line. You must use same name twice.

Task: Email new office photo along with text message read from a file

Type the command as follows;
(cat mymessage.txt; uuencode office.jpeg office.jpeg) | mail -s "Subject"

Task: Send multiple attachments in a single email

Type the command as follows:
$ uuencode r1.tar.gz r1.tar.gz > /tmp/out.mail
$ uuencode r2.tar.gz r3.tar.gz >> /tmp/out.mail
$ uuencode r3.tar.gz r3.tar.gz >> /tmp/out.mail
$ cat email-body.txt >> /tmp/out.mail
$ mail -s "Reports" < /tmp/out.mail

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

INVENTORY Roll Up Patch Version test

INVENTORY Roll Up Patch Version test 

select 'Current INV Rollup: '||ver||' ('||bug||')' "Description" from (
select x.* from
(select 1 seq, '5739724' bug, '11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP4' ver from dual
union select 2 seq, '6449139' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP5' ver from dual
union select 3 seq, '6461517' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP6' ver from dual
union select 4 seq, '6461519' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP7' ver from dual
union select 5 seq, '6461522' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP8' ver from dual
union select 6 seq, '6870030' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP9' ver from dual
union select 7 seq, '7258620' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP10' ver from dual
union select 8 seq, '7258624' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP11' ver from dual
union select 9 seq, '7258629' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP12' ver from dual
union select 10 seq, '7581431' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP13' ver from dual
union select 11 seq, '7666112' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP14' ver from dual
union select 12 seq, '8403245' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP15' ver from dual
union select 13 seq, '8403254' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP16' ver from dual
union select 14 seq, '8403258' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP17' ver from dual
union select 15 seq, '9063156' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP18' ver from dual
union select 16 seq, '9265857' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP19' ver from dual
union select 17 seq, '9466436' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP20' ver from dual
union select 18 seq, '9649124' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP21' ver from dual
union select 19 seq, '9878808' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP22' ver from dual
union select 20 seq, '10111967' bug,'11.5.0' pv,'INV RUP23' ver from dual
) x,
(select product_version pv from fnd_product_installations
where application_id=401) i,
ad_bugs bugs
where x.bug = bugs.bug_number and x.pv = i.pv order by 1 desc) where rownum = 1
select 'Product Installation: '||patch_level||': '||decode(status,
'I','Installed','S','Shared','Not Installed')
from fnd_product_installations
where application_id=401
order by 1;

B. Patch numbers displayed by the script:
RUP Name Patch Number

RUP23 10111967
RUP22 9878808
RUP21 9649124
RUP20 9466436
RUP19 9265857
RUP18 9063156
RUP17 8403258
RUP16 8403254
RUP15 8403245
RUP14 7666112
RUP13 7581431
RUP12 7258629
RUP11 7258624
RUP10 7258620
RUP9 6870030
RUP8 6461522
RUP7 6461519
RUP6 6461517
RUP5 6449139
RUP4 5739724

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Error ORA-20100 .tmp Creation For FND_FILE Failed In FA Concurrent Requests

Error ORA-20100 .tmp Creation For FND_FILE Failed In FA Concurrent Requests

When attempting to run a concurrent request such as the 'Generate Asset Trace' program (FATRACE), the following error occurs in the log file:

ORA-20100: File o0013319.tmp creation for FND_FILE failed.
You will find more information on the cause of the error in request log.
Error: function fa_asset_trace_pkg.save_output returned failure

Route Case

This error is caused by a concurrent manager setup and privilege related issue in the $APPLPTMP environment variable and UTL_FILE_DIR database parameter.

For example:
There could be one user for the Application Tier (applmgr in group applmgr) that is used by the Concurrent Manager, and one user for the database (oracle in group dba) that is used by the database.

The .tmp file is released by user oracle out by utl_file_dir, but the Concurrent Manager will try to access it with user applmgr.  As they are in different groups, this could be an issue on Linux/Unix environments.

Another environment problem could be that the utl_file_dir first directory is not $APPLPTMP.  Then the Concurrent Manager will check in a directory for a tmp and will not find it.

This error can also be seen in cases were there is more then one instance on the same server, and they share the same directory for $APPLPTMP or $UTL_FILE_DIR.  One instance can try to write to the same temporary file, which is locked by the other one.


Please do the following:

1.  Change the UTL_FILE_DIR to have the same first value as the $APPLPTMP, ex: /usr/tmp
Change it in the initSID.ora and reboot the database after.

2.  Grant all users read/write permissions to that directory:
chmod 777 /usr/tmp

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Oracle Application Product EBS

Oracle Application Product 

ABM - Activity Based Management

AD - Applications DBA

AHL - Oracle Advanced Service Online

AHM - Oracle Hosting Manager

AK - Oracle Common Modules-AK

ALR - Oracle Alert

AMF - Oracle Fulfillment Services

AMS - Oracle Marketing

AMV - Oracle MarketView

AN - Oracle Sales Analysis

AP - Oracle Payables

AR - Oracle Receivables

AS - Oracle Sales

ASF - Oracle Field Sales

ASG - Oracle CRM Gateway for Mobile Services

ASL - Oracle Mobile Field Sales Laptop

ASO - Oracle Order Capture

ASP - Oracle Field Sales/PalmTM Devices

AST - TeleSales

AU - Application Utilities

AX - Global Accounting Engine

AZ - Application Implementation

BEN - Oracle Advanced Benefits

BIC - Customer Intelligence

BIL - Sales Intelligence

BIM - Marketing Intelligence

BIS - Oracle Applications BIS

BIV - Oracle Service Intelligence

BIX - Call Center Intelligence

BNE - Oracle Web ADI

BOM - Oracle Bills of Material

BSC - Balanced Scorecard

CCT - Oracle Call Center and Telephony

CE - Oracle Cash Management

CHV - Oracle Supplier Scheduling

CLN - Supply Chain Trading Connector for RosettaNet

CN - Oracle Sales Compensation

CRP - Oracle Capacity

CS - Oracle Service

CSC - Customer Care

CSD - Depot Repair

CSE - Oracle Enterprise Install Base

CSF - Field Service

CSI - Install Base

CSL - Oracle Field Service/Laptop

CSM - Oracle Field Service Palm

CSP - Oracle Spares Management

CSR - Oracle Scheduler

CSS - Support

CST - Oracle Cost Management

CUA - CRL Financials Assets

CUE - Oracle Billing Connect

CUF - CRL Financials

CUG - Oracle Citizen Interaction Center

CUI - Oracle Network Logistics Inventory

CUN - Oracle Network Logistics NATS

CUP - Oracle Network Logistics Purchasing

CUS - CRL SupplyChain

CZ - Oracle Configurator

DDD - Oracle CADView-3D

DOM - Oracle Document Managment and Collaboration

DT - Oracle DateTrack

EAA - Oracle SEM Exchange

EAM - Oracle Enterprise Asset Management

EC - Oracle e-Commerce Gateway

ECX - Oracle XML Gateway

EDR - Oracle E Records

EGO - Oracle Engineering Online

ENG - Oracle Engineering

ENI - Oracle Engineering Intelligence System

EVM - Value Based Management

FEM - Strategic Enterprise Management

FF - Oracle FastFormula

FII - Financials Intelligence

FLM - Oracle Flow Manufacturing

FND - Application Object Library

FPT - Oracle Banking Center

FRM - Oracle Report Manager

FTE - Oracle Transportation Hub

FV - Oracle Federal Financials

GHR - Oracle Federal HR

GL - Oracle General Ledger

GMA - Oracle Process Manufacturing Systems

GMD - Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development

GME - Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution

GMF - Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials

GMI - Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory

GML - Oracle Process Manufacturing Logistics

GMP - Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Planning

GMS - Oracle Grants Accounting

GR - Oracle Process Regulatory Mgmt

HRI - Human Resources Intelligence

HXC - Oracle Time and Labor

HXT - Oracle Time and Labor Rules

IBA - iMarketing

IBC - Oracle iContent

IBE - iStore

IBP - Bill Presentment & Payment

IBU - iSupport

IBY - iPayment

ICX - Oracle Self-Service Web Applications

IEB - Oracle Interaction Blending

IEC - Oracle Campaign Plus

IEM - Oracle eMail Center

IEO - Call Center Technology

IES - Scripting

IEU - Oracle Universal Work Queue

IEX - Oracle Collections

IGC - Commitment Administration

IGF - Student Systems Fin Aid

IGI - Oracle International Public Sector Financials

IGS - Oracle Student Sytems

IGW - Oracle Grants Proposal

IMC - Oracle Customers Online

IMT - Oracle iMeeting

INV - Oracle Inventory

IPA - CRL Financials Projects

IPD - Oracle Product Development Exchange

ISC - Supply Chain Intelligence

ITG - Oracle Internet Procurement Enterprise Connector

JA - Asia/Pacific Localizations

JE - European Localizations

JG - Regional Localizations

JL - Latin America Localizations

JTF - CRM Foundation

JTM - Oracle CRM Mobile Foundation

JTS - Oracle CRM Self Service Administration

ME - Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul

MFG - Oracle Manufacturing

MRP - Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP

MSC - Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning

MSD - Oracle Demand Planning

MSO - Oracle Constraint Based Optimization

MSR - Oracle Risk Optimization

MWA - Mobile Applications

ODQ - Oracle Data Query

OE - Oracle Order Entry

OFA - Oracle Assets

OKB - Oracle Contracts for Subscriptions

OKC - Oracle Contracts Core

OKE - Oracle Project Contracts

OKI - Oracle Contracts Intelligence

OKL - Oracle Lease Management

OKO - Oracle Contracts for Sales

OKR - Oracle Contracts for Rights

OKS - Oracle Contracts Service Module

OKX - Oracle Contracts Integration

ONT - Oracle Order Management

OPI - Operations Intelligence

OTA - Oracle Training Administration

OZF - Funds & Budgets

OZP - Trade Planning

OZS - Oracle iClaims

PA - Oracle Projects

PAY - Oracle Payroll

PER - Oracle Human Resources

PJI - Oracle Project Intelligence

PJM - Oracle Project Manufacturing

PMI - Process Mfg Intelligence

PN - Oracle Property Manager

PO - Oracle Purchasing

POA - Purchasing Intelligence

POM - Oracle Exchange

PON - Oracle Sourcing

POS - Internet Supplier Portal

PQH - Oracle Public Sector HR

PQP - Oracle Public Sector Payroll

PRP - Oracle Proposals

PSA - Public Sector Applications

PSB - Oracle Public Sector Budgeting

PSP - Oracle Labor Distribution

PV - Partner Relationship Management

QA - Oracle Quality

QOT - Oracle Quoting

QP - Oracle Pricing

QRM - Oracle Risk Management

RG - Application Report Generator

RHX - Oracle Advanced Planning Foundation

RLA - Oracle Release Management Integration Kit

RLM - Oracle Release Management

SHT - Applications Shared Technology

SSP - Oracle SSP

SYSADMIN - System Administration

VEA - Oracle Automotive

VEH - Oracle Automotive Integration Kit

WIP - Oracle Work in Process

WMS - Oracle Warehouse Management System

WPS - Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling

WSH - Oracle Shipping

WSM - Shop Floor Management

XDP - Oracle Provisioning

XLA - Oracle Common Accounting Modules

XNB - Oracle eBusiness Billing

XNC - Oracle Sales for Communications

XNI - Oracle Install Base Intelligence

XNM - Marketing for Communications

XNP - Oracle Number Portability

XNS - Oracle Service for Communications

XTR - Oracle Treasury

ZFA - Oracle Financial Analyzer

ZSA - Oracle Sales Analyzer

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

OPM Subledger Transactions have been transferred to GL

OPM Subledger Transactions have been transferred to GL

In order to transfer transactions to GL if this hasn't be done in Create Accounting itself, don't re-run Create Accounting but the concurrent program 'Transfer Journal Entries to GL'.

This can be done using the Standard Report Submission form :
  OPM Financials > Reports > Standard > Run >> Single Request
  Select 'Transfer Journal Entries to GL' from the LOV

In order to check whether all the transactions have been transferred to GL once Create Accounting has been run in Final Mode and the Transfer to GL program has also been run then run scripts similar to these and check the results.

select EVENT_TYPE_CODE, GL_TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE, count(*) from xla_ae_headers
where ACCOUNTING_DATE>='01-JAN-2011'
and ACCOUNTING_DATE <'01-FEB-2011'
and application_id=555

select * from xla_ae_headers
where ACCOUNTING_DATE>='01-JAN-2011'
and ACCOUNTING_DATE <'01-FEB-2011'
and application_id=555