Query to Find the Product and Incredient in the Fomulae ( OPM Formulator )
There is no Standard report in R12 , which can give you the information on Formulator for all the Products.
A simple query can be used to achieve the same ..
SELECT ffm.formula_no, ffm.formula_desc1 formula_name,
DECODE (fmd.line_type, 1, 'Product', 'Ingredient') TYPE,
msi.segment1 icode, ood.organization_code org, fmd.qty,
DECODE (ffm.formula_status, 700, 'Active', 'New') status
FROM apps.fm_matl_dtl fmd,
apps.fm_form_mst ffm,
apps.mtl_system_items_b msi,
apps.org_organization_definitions ood
WHERE fmd.formula_id = ffm.formula_id
AND (fmd.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id(+)
AND fmd.organization_id = msi.organization_id(+))
AND fmd.organization_id = ood.organization_id
ORDER BY formula_no, DECODE (fmd.line_type, 1, 'Product', 'Ingredient') DESC;
Hope this Information is Usefull,
This works for a formula that doesn't have any pre-blends. What would you use to show the whole formula including the preblend ingredients?