
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Open Sales Orders - Query

Open Sales Orders - Query

Select Line_Id, flow_status_code,ordered_quantity,shipped_quantity, fulfilled_flag, invoice_interface_status_code
From Oe_Order_Lines_All l
where open_flag = 'Y'
And not Exists
(Select 1 From Wf_Items W
Where W.Item_Type='OEOL'
and w.item_key = to_char(l.line_id));

1 comment:

  1. We would like to acknowledge the exceptional service that we received during the entire refinancing process. Mr Lee professionalism and knowledge of the loan company was impressive and truly appreciated. Mr Lee is a reliable loan officer.In the past, we have had experience with several others banks and have found the process frustrating and tedious. Mr Lee went above and beyond to ensure that all of our needs were met and that everything was handled thoroughly and efficiently. We have and will continue to recommend him in the future.”Mr Lee Contact Email /Whatsapp
