How to address a return order that shows error, Cust_Trx_Type_Id is required for Invoice Interface.
See Note 339989.1 - What to Check Upon Error - Required Attribute Customer
Trx Type Id is Missing
Unable to Invoice sales orders. Error "Description is required for Invoice Interface"
See Note 364292.1 - Description Is Required For Invoice Interface In Order Management 11.5.10
Message Batch Source Name is required for invoice interface
See Note 343430.1 - Batch_Source_Name is required for Invoice Interface Error Prevents Invoicing
Bill Only Orders Do Not Get Invoiced when Released from Hold
In order to achieve this functionality:
1) Created a hold source named Invoice Interface Hold: Workflow Item - Order Line Workflow activity - Line level Invoice interface
2) Enter a sales order with 2 lines
3) Apply this hold to one of the lines
4) Book, pick release, ship confirm the lines
5) Upon fulfillment, Invoice Interface fails for one line (because of the hold) The Other line is interfaced
6) Query the sales order line, release the hold on the other line and progress the order. The other line is subsequently interfaced
Additional reference:
Note 339036.1 -When Hold is Removed Workflow does not Automatically Progress the Line Past Invoice Interface Eligible.
Receivables Interface Sales_order_line Does Not Match Order Management Line Numbers
In Receivables it is a character field and only contains the "line number" not the composite line number as seen in Order Management. Here is an explanation for the OM - Invoice Interface functionality:
1. Oracle Order Management inserts information into two of the three Auto invoice
2. The Auto-Invoice program collects the data from above mentioned tables and
populates RA_CUSTOMER_TRX tables. Once the transaction tables are populated,
3. Order Management line numbers are populated in the following manner within RA_INTERFACE_LINES.:
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 (shipment_number)
4. Receivables provides the following transaction attributes that you can use in your line ordering rules (from the table
5. Suggested change to the line invoicing rule to align sorting as values are
defined in Order Management (OM)
Go to the Line Ordering screen
Navigate: AR> Setup > Transaction > Auto invoice > Line Ordering
Set it to order by Order Line Number, interface_line_attribute6, interface_line_attribute12, interface_line_attribute13, interface_line_attribute14
Freight Charges Are Getting Into Receivables With Line Type As 'Freight' and Freight Charge is not Taxed
Taxes on charges are not calculated at this time during order entry, even if charges are
taxable in the jurisdiction. If it is necessary for charges to be taxed, the
user should set the ‘TAX: Invoice Freight as Revenue’ profile option to Yes
and also set up a dummy Freight item in Inventory that is taxable and
specify it in the ‘TAX: Inventory Item for Freight’ profile option. Then
OM’s Invoicing Integration will send the charges to Receivable’s
Autoinvoice as Lines with that Inventory Item on them, rather than as
Freight. There the charges can be taxed as required and revenue
accounting for the charges using AutoAccounting can be done.
Note: Be sure to set Profile option Tax: Invoice Freight as Revenue set to Yes
for the Responsibility that is used to run the Workflow Background process.
How Does The Invoice Date Get Derived From The Sales Order Line?
Oracle Receivables derives the invoice date from either the ship date actual or the sales order date.
For shippable lines, Order Management derives the ship date actual as follows:
SELECT dl.initial_pickup_date
FROM wsh_new_deliveries dl
WHERE dl.delivery_id = <delivery id of the line>;
If this is null then the sales order date will be used as invoice date. Please
set the intial pickup date correctly for shippable lines because that is what
will be the invoice date.
For non-shippable lines, since there is no shipping date,
1. you can choose to have the ship date actual as NULL (which allows AR to derive the invoice date as order date)
2. you can choose to have the ship date actual as sysdate
(the date when invoice ice iscompleted) by setting the profile option
OM:Set Receivables Transaction Date as Current Date for non shippable lines.
This profile option is available as part of Patch 2008789.
Reference Note 227816.1 for more details on this patch.
Two Invoices Generated For Lines With Same Invoice Rule
On a sales order with two order lines using the same Invoice Rule, there are two separate invoices generated. In the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL table, the INVOICING_RULE_ID is the same (-2) for both lines on the sales order. The problem is that only certain lines are being populated in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table with the INVOICING_RULE_ID field. This causes the lines to end up on separate invoices. Invoice rule is a required grouping attribute. These lines have the same invoice rule in OM and should appear on the same invoice.
In this situation, the same Invoicing Rule was used but, a different Accounting Rule was used Line 1: Invoice Rule : Advance Invoice, Accounting Rule : Immediate and Line 2: Invoice Rule: Advance Invoice Accounting Rule: 12 month revenue
The solution is to set up a new accounting rule that has the same properties as IMMEDIATE (ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID=1) with a new name (ie:IMMEDIATELY) this will give the rule a different ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID. Then Invoice Rule will then get passed to RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and both lines will end up on the same invoice
Why Can the Purchase Order Number on the Invoice be Different to the Value on the Sales Order Header?
The Invoice Interface program puts the oe_order_lines_all.customer_po_number to ra_interface_lines_all.purchase_order and the AutoInvoice program puts the value ra_interface_lines_all.purchase_order to ra_customer_trx_all.purchase_order.
So in normal cases, there should not be any differences between oe_order_headers_all.customer_po_number and ra_customer_trx_all.purchase_order.
However, there are 2 possible ways in which there can be difference between the oe_order_headers_all.customer_po_number and ra_customer_trx_all.purchase_order
a) the value of ra_interface_lines_all.purchase_order might have been modified manually BEFORE AutoInvoicing is done - from the form Receivables -> Control -> AutoInvoice -> Interface Lines or from SQL*Plus by running an update script
b) the oe_order_headers_all.customer_po_number changed BEFORE the order is closed, but AFTER the order line is closed - ie. invoiced. This can be done by simply updating the Customer PO from the Sales order header
For Sales Orders at Closed Status, it is not possible to change the Purchase order number.
Bill To On Order Header Does Not Match Bill To On The Invoice
Bill To from the Sales Order line is passed to Invoice Interface. This may or may not be different from the Bill To of the Sales Order header. It is the Sales Order line Bill To which appears on the Invoice.
Additional References:
Note 785547.1 - How Does One Set Up Invoice To Show The Same Bill-To Address
as Order Header ?
Freight Charges Added To Delivery Are Split Into Multiple Lines On The Invoice
This is currently an enhancement request Bug 4542163 - Freight Charges Added to Delivery
Are Split Into Multiple Lines on the Invoice
Autoinvoice Rejected Error Non Negative Total Amount
Query up the Order Number in the Receivables under the Control -> AutoInvoice -> Interface Lines
and change the Invoiced Quantity to same as that on the order line. Ordered Quantity, Shipped quantity and Invoiced Qty should be a positive number in the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL table for non-return orders .
Make this change, run the AutoInvoice again and this line should get processed correctly.
New Transaction Type Does Not Process Line Through Invoicing
The required setup for Transaction Sources (Receivables > Setup > Transactions > Source) Transaction Type in not correct. It is set to Value. Per Oracle Order Management Open Interfaces, API & Electronic Messaging Guide, Release 11i, page
2-160 Table 2-47, the required setting for this field is ID.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Query the Source on the Transaction Sources (Receivables > Setup > Transactions > Sources)
2. Change setting for Transaction Type (Other Information tab) set to ID.
3. Run AutoInvoice
Why Are Adjustment Records Rounding Differently in AR Interface Table RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL Than Shown in OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS?
For the answer, please refer to the details and screen shots outlined in Note 1542786.1
How to address a return order that shows error, Cust_Trx_Type_Id is required for Invoice Interface.
See Note 339989.1 - What to Check Upon Error - Required Attribute Customer
Trx Type Id is Missing
Unable to Invoice sales orders. Error "Description is required for Invoice Interface"
See Note 364292.1 - Description Is Required For Invoice Interface In Order Management 11.5.10
Message Batch Source Name is required for invoice interface
See Note 343430.1 - Batch_Source_Name is required for Invoice Interface Error Prevents Invoicing
Bill Only Orders Do Not Get Invoiced when Released from Hold
In order to achieve this functionality:
1) Created a hold source named Invoice Interface Hold: Workflow Item - Order Line Workflow activity - Line level Invoice interface
2) Enter a sales order with 2 lines
3) Apply this hold to one of the lines
4) Book, pick release, ship confirm the lines
5) Upon fulfillment, Invoice Interface fails for one line (because of the hold) The Other line is interfaced
6) Query the sales order line, release the hold on the other line and progress the order. The other line is subsequently interfaced
Additional reference:
Note 339036.1 -When Hold is Removed Workflow does not Automatically Progress the Line Past Invoice Interface Eligible.
Receivables Interface Sales_order_line Does Not Match Order Management Line Numbers
In Receivables it is a character field and only contains the "line number" not the composite line number as seen in Order Management. Here is an explanation for the OM - Invoice Interface functionality:
1. Oracle Order Management inserts information into two of the three Auto invoice
2. The Auto-Invoice program collects the data from above mentioned tables and
populates RA_CUSTOMER_TRX tables. Once the transaction tables are populated,
3. Order Management line numbers are populated in the following manner within RA_INTERFACE_LINES.:
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 (shipment_number)
4. Receivables provides the following transaction attributes that you can use in your line ordering rules (from the table
5. Suggested change to the line invoicing rule to align sorting as values are
defined in Order Management (OM)
Go to the Line Ordering screen
Navigate: AR> Setup > Transaction > Auto invoice > Line Ordering
Set it to order by Order Line Number, interface_line_attribute6, interface_line_attribute12, interface_line_attribute13, interface_line_attribute14
Freight Charges Are Getting Into Receivables With Line Type As 'Freight' and Freight Charge is not Taxed
Taxes on charges are not calculated at this time during order entry, even if charges are
taxable in the jurisdiction. If it is necessary for charges to be taxed, the
user should set the ‘TAX: Invoice Freight as Revenue’ profile option to Yes
and also set up a dummy Freight item in Inventory that is taxable and
specify it in the ‘TAX: Inventory Item for Freight’ profile option. Then
OM’s Invoicing Integration will send the charges to Receivable’s
Autoinvoice as Lines with that Inventory Item on them, rather than as
Freight. There the charges can be taxed as required and revenue
accounting for the charges using AutoAccounting can be done.
Note: Be sure to set Profile option Tax: Invoice Freight as Revenue set to Yes
for the Responsibility that is used to run the Workflow Background process.
How Does The Invoice Date Get Derived From The Sales Order Line?
Oracle Receivables derives the invoice date from either the ship date actual or the sales order date.
For shippable lines, Order Management derives the ship date actual as follows:
SELECT dl.initial_pickup_date
FROM wsh_new_deliveries dl
WHERE dl.delivery_id = <delivery id of the line>;
If this is null then the sales order date will be used as invoice date. Please
set the intial pickup date correctly for shippable lines because that is what
will be the invoice date.
For non-shippable lines, since there is no shipping date,
1. you can choose to have the ship date actual as NULL (which allows AR to derive the invoice date as order date)
2. you can choose to have the ship date actual as sysdate
(the date when invoice ice iscompleted) by setting the profile option
OM:Set Receivables Transaction Date as Current Date for non shippable lines.
This profile option is available as part of Patch 2008789.
Reference Note 227816.1 for more details on this patch.
Two Invoices Generated For Lines With Same Invoice Rule
On a sales order with two order lines using the same Invoice Rule, there are two separate invoices generated. In the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL table, the INVOICING_RULE_ID is the same (-2) for both lines on the sales order. The problem is that only certain lines are being populated in RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table with the INVOICING_RULE_ID field. This causes the lines to end up on separate invoices. Invoice rule is a required grouping attribute. These lines have the same invoice rule in OM and should appear on the same invoice.
In this situation, the same Invoicing Rule was used but, a different Accounting Rule was used Line 1: Invoice Rule : Advance Invoice, Accounting Rule : Immediate and Line 2: Invoice Rule: Advance Invoice Accounting Rule: 12 month revenue
The solution is to set up a new accounting rule that has the same properties as IMMEDIATE (ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID=1) with a new name (ie:IMMEDIATELY) this will give the rule a different ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID. Then Invoice Rule will then get passed to RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL and both lines will end up on the same invoice
Why Can the Purchase Order Number on the Invoice be Different to the Value on the Sales Order Header?
The Invoice Interface program puts the oe_order_lines_all.customer_po_number to ra_interface_lines_all.purchase_order and the AutoInvoice program puts the value ra_interface_lines_all.purchase_order to ra_customer_trx_all.purchase_order.
So in normal cases, there should not be any differences between oe_order_headers_all.customer_po_number and ra_customer_trx_all.purchase_order.
However, there are 2 possible ways in which there can be difference between the oe_order_headers_all.customer_po_number and ra_customer_trx_all.purchase_order
a) the value of ra_interface_lines_all.purchase_order might have been modified manually BEFORE AutoInvoicing is done - from the form Receivables -> Control -> AutoInvoice -> Interface Lines or from SQL*Plus by running an update script
b) the oe_order_headers_all.customer_po_number changed BEFORE the order is closed, but AFTER the order line is closed - ie. invoiced. This can be done by simply updating the Customer PO from the Sales order header
For Sales Orders at Closed Status, it is not possible to change the Purchase order number.
Bill To On Order Header Does Not Match Bill To On The Invoice
Bill To from the Sales Order line is passed to Invoice Interface. This may or may not be different from the Bill To of the Sales Order header. It is the Sales Order line Bill To which appears on the Invoice.
Additional References:
Note 785547.1 - How Does One Set Up Invoice To Show The Same Bill-To Address
as Order Header ?
Freight Charges Added To Delivery Are Split Into Multiple Lines On The Invoice
This is currently an enhancement request Bug 4542163 - Freight Charges Added to Delivery
Are Split Into Multiple Lines on the Invoice
Autoinvoice Rejected Error Non Negative Total Amount
Query up the Order Number in the Receivables under the Control -> AutoInvoice -> Interface Lines
and change the Invoiced Quantity to same as that on the order line. Ordered Quantity, Shipped quantity and Invoiced Qty should be a positive number in the OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL table for non-return orders .
Make this change, run the AutoInvoice again and this line should get processed correctly.
New Transaction Type Does Not Process Line Through Invoicing
The required setup for Transaction Sources (Receivables > Setup > Transactions > Source) Transaction Type in not correct. It is set to Value. Per Oracle Order Management Open Interfaces, API & Electronic Messaging Guide, Release 11i, page
2-160 Table 2-47, the required setting for this field is ID.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Query the Source on the Transaction Sources (Receivables > Setup > Transactions > Sources)
2. Change setting for Transaction Type (Other Information tab) set to ID.
3. Run AutoInvoice
Why Are Adjustment Records Rounding Differently in AR Interface Table RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL Than Shown in OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS?
For the answer, please refer to the details and screen shots outlined in Note 1542786.1
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