
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Multiple Session in oracle Application

Open multiple forms in an Oracle apps session

It becomes quite irritating when I open a new form and the previously opened form is closed automatically by Oracle. This can be fixed by unchecking the box “Close Other Forms” from the Tools menu. Once I have seen this option is checked and disabled. What do I do now?

The parameter FND_SINGLE_FORM_INSTANCE is set to 'Y' for the form.
So when the form is called, this parameter is read and hence only one instance 
of the form is allowed.


(1) Responsibility : Application Developer 
(2) Navigate to Application --> Function
(3) Query for Function corresponding to the form
(4) Click on "Form" tab
(5) Find the parameter with the value FND_SINGLE_FORM_INSTANCE='Y'
(6) Remove this parameter and save

You can see that the check box “Close Other Forms” is disabled. Oracle allows opening multiple forms when this checkbox is unchecked. Since the checkbox is checked and disabled we have no option but open only 1 form at a time. We need to enable the checkbox so that we can open multiple forms simultaneously. How do we do it?
Go through the following steps:
Responsibility: System Administrator
Navigation: Security > Responsibility > Define
Query for the responsibility, UAE HRMS Manager.
On this form you need to exclude a function. Enter the details as given below,
Type: Function
Name: Navigator: Disable Multiform
Save the form
Now go back to UAE HRMS Manager responsibility.
You can now check or un-check the box to open multiple windows simultaneously.

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