
Monday, April 20, 2015

Unable to create new native thread

Unable to create new native thread

Perform all the Steps

Connect as su: UNIX> su - theuser
where "theuser" is the name of Unix user running the processes.
Check the current soft and hard max user processes: UNIX> ulimit -Su
UNIX> ulimit -Hu

If you see 1024 as a value of ulimit -Hu, please ensure you have already rebooted a server after setting * hard nproc 16384 in limits.conf.

If you see 16384 as a value of ulimit -Hu but ulimit -Su is still 1024, please go the next step.
Increase the max user processes soft limitof the current "theuser" session to 16384: UNIX> ulimit -Su 16384  

Re-check the current max user processes: UNIX> ulimit -Su

You should see 16384, then stop and restart both Admin Server an odi_server1 from the current session, re-test the issue and observe the outcome.

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