
Monday, April 20, 2015

Unable to create new native thread

Unable to create new native thread

Perform all the Steps

Connect as su: UNIX> su - theuser
where "theuser" is the name of Unix user running the processes.
Check the current soft and hard max user processes: UNIX> ulimit -Su
UNIX> ulimit -Hu

If you see 1024 as a value of ulimit -Hu, please ensure you have already rebooted a server after setting * hard nproc 16384 in limits.conf.

If you see 16384 as a value of ulimit -Hu but ulimit -Su is still 1024, please go the next step.
Increase the max user processes soft limitof the current "theuser" session to 16384: UNIX> ulimit -Su 16384  

Re-check the current max user processes: UNIX> ulimit -Su

You should see 16384, then stop and restart both Admin Server an odi_server1 from the current session, re-test the issue and observe the outcome.

Uncategorized exception during repository access

ODI-10182: Uncategorized exception during repository access.

The error can occur when connecting to a 12c PDB (pluggable database) using the Oracle SID in the URL, for example:

Connections to pluggable databases require an Oracle Service Name in the URL, such as:

jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<host>)(PORT=<port>)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=<Pluggable Database Service Name>)))

Alternatively an OCI based connection can be used:


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

JDE Technical Interview Questions

1.How many numbers detail sections possible in a report template?
A)Multiple. But the physical page size of report template should not exceed 45 inches in length and width. Report template that exceeds this limit might faces problems at runtime…

2.How many detail sections can be added in a report template using report director?
A)Using the Director, only one detail section can be inserted in the report template. Later RDA can be used to enhance the report template and add extra detail sections

3.How many numbers (max) of Page Header/Page Footer sections possible in a report template?
A) Only one

4.How many numbers (max) of Report Header/Report Footer sections possible in a report template?
A)Only one

5.Can a business view be attached to a Page header section?
A)No. Business views can be attached to details sections only

6.what is the default font used to generate PDF reports in E1?

7.Is it possible to print the attachments that are inserted in the report?
A)No. They are just useful to explain the functionality of the report, any special logic used, documenting the changes etc.,

8.The properties and format of report headers and footers and of page headers and footers are similar to which detail section?
A)Group section

9.Report Templates Vs Batch Versions
A)Report templates are master specifications of the report. It defines the data used, how the data is
Selected , sorted, displayed, and formatted etc.
Batch versions read the master specifications from the associated report template and over ride one or more specification of the report template like:
• Section layout
• Section data selection
• Section event rules
• Section database output
• Section sort sequence
This concept allows creating requirement specific reports (versions) without touching the Master (i.e Report Template). Basically you create one report template and create multiple version by overriding the specifications.
Report Power points:
·      Report template is a Master specification
·      Batch version is a child i.e business need based customization of the Master

JDE Interview Questions

  1. What is an Object in JDE? Define Some…
    Traditionally a OneWorld Object was defined as any object created in Object Librarian.
    Ex: Applications, Business Functions,Business Views, UBEs, Data Structures, Tables, Media Objects
  2. How do JDE Stores Objects?
    Central Objects
    Provides a central location for managing all OneWorld objects. Only used for Development &  Software deployment.
    Never used at runtime.
  3. What are Replicated Objects?
    Replicated Objects are stored in a directory on every workstation and logic server that will run OneWorld
    Built from Central Objects, Deployed via packages (‘point-in-time’ snapshot of selected objects)
    Stored in runtime (TAM vs. RDB) format
  4. What are Control Objects?
    Control objects are like buttons on the Form as Control obj. Fields on the Form are also control objects.
    We set control errors on the form design so that it stops the processing of error is set on the control.
  5. What are tokens?
    A Token has a One-to-One relationship with the following objects:
    Applications, Business Functions, Business Views, UBEs, Data Structures, Tables, Media Objects and Batch Versions
    The Token is used to minimize the possibility of one user overriding another user’s changes to an object.
    When an  object is checked out and is not already checked out by another user The project receives a Token.
    A Token can be released, switched or inherited.
    The Token is released by the project when the project reaches the status designated by the administrator for release.
    A Token is not released by the project when the object is checked back in.
  6. What is OMW?
    As a OneWorld developer I sometimes long for the simple days before XE.  I could check out objects from any environment and check them back into any environment. I could more easily view if an object was checked out and to who and which environment.  I could easily see what objects I personally still had checked out locally. I could also transfer objects from one environment to another with a few mouse clicks. 
    The OMW was designed to replace the old tools we were used to using such as the Object Librarian, Promotion Manager, and Object Transfer.  I believe that the OMW is a great tool when it comes to developing for new projects.  I like the fact that I can group up all of the objects I am working on into a project so I never forget the objects I created or modified for the new module I am creating.  In the old days you would have to keep track of objects in a separate file to give to the CNC guy once it was ready to deploy. Using the old method, how many times do you remember leaving off 1 or 2 objects because you forgot to write them down?
    • Promotion Manager
    • Object Transfer
    • Object Librarian
    • Object Librarian Check-in Log
    • To Hide Object Management Tasks
    • To Provide Better Control of OneWorld Objects
    • To Unify all Development into One Interface
    • To Automate Change Management Process
    • To Provide Detail Logging of Objects
  7. What is Check In & Check Out?
    Check In – We send the updated specs to the server. It will replace the specs on the server with the specs which we are doing check in. User will not lose the Token.
    Check Out – It will override the local specs of the object which we are trying to check out. We will get the latest specs from the server. User will get the token
  8. What is the difference between GET & Check Out?
    Checking out an object allows you to modify the object and check it back in to Central Objects.  Performing a Get copies the latest specifications to your workstation but does not allow you to check in.  This is similar to erasing a check out for those familiar with previous releases of OneWorld.
  9. What are the Object Librarian and Non-Object Librarian Objects?
    Only Object Librarian objects have tokens and Non Object Librarian Objects do not have token.
    non-Object Librarian objects  are based on data source rather than path code.
    One World objects include the following non-Object Librarian objects: 
    • Data dictionary items
    • User defined code items
    • Workflow items
    • Menus
  10. What are the required fields when adding an Object?
    Object Name, Description, Product Code, System Code, Object Use