Oracle Application Product
ABM - Activity Based Management
AD - Applications DBA
AHL - Oracle Advanced Service Online
AHM - Oracle Hosting Manager
AK - Oracle Common Modules-AK
ALR - Oracle Alert
AMF - Oracle Fulfillment Services
AMS - Oracle Marketing
AMV - Oracle MarketView
AN - Oracle Sales Analysis
AP - Oracle Payables
AR - Oracle Receivables
AS - Oracle Sales
ASF - Oracle Field Sales
ASG - Oracle CRM Gateway for Mobile Services
ASL - Oracle Mobile Field Sales Laptop
ASO - Oracle Order Capture
ASP - Oracle Field Sales/PalmTM Devices
AST - TeleSales
AU - Application Utilities
AX - Global Accounting Engine
AZ - Application Implementation
BEN - Oracle Advanced Benefits
BIC - Customer Intelligence
BIL - Sales Intelligence
BIM - Marketing Intelligence
BIS - Oracle Applications BIS
BIV - Oracle Service Intelligence
BIX - Call Center Intelligence
BNE - Oracle Web ADI
BOM - Oracle Bills of Material
BSC - Balanced Scorecard
CCT - Oracle Call Center and Telephony
CE - Oracle Cash Management
CHV - Oracle Supplier Scheduling
CLN - Supply Chain Trading Connector for RosettaNet
CN - Oracle Sales Compensation
CRP - Oracle Capacity
CS - Oracle Service
CSC - Customer Care
CSD - Depot Repair
CSE - Oracle Enterprise Install Base
CSF - Field Service
CSI - Install Base
CSL - Oracle Field Service/Laptop
CSM - Oracle Field Service Palm
CSP - Oracle Spares Management
CSR - Oracle Scheduler
CSS - Support
CST - Oracle Cost Management
CUA - CRL Financials Assets
CUE - Oracle Billing Connect
CUF - CRL Financials
CUG - Oracle Citizen Interaction Center
CUI - Oracle Network Logistics Inventory
CUN - Oracle Network Logistics NATS
CUP - Oracle Network Logistics Purchasing
CUS - CRL SupplyChain
CZ - Oracle Configurator
DDD - Oracle CADView-3D
DOM - Oracle Document Managment and Collaboration
DT - Oracle DateTrack
EAA - Oracle SEM Exchange
EAM - Oracle Enterprise Asset Management
EC - Oracle e-Commerce Gateway
ECX - Oracle XML Gateway
EDR - Oracle E Records
EGO - Oracle Engineering Online
ENG - Oracle Engineering
ENI - Oracle Engineering Intelligence System
EVM - Value Based Management
FEM - Strategic Enterprise Management
FF - Oracle FastFormula
FII - Financials Intelligence
FLM - Oracle Flow Manufacturing
FND - Application Object Library
FPT - Oracle Banking Center
FRM - Oracle Report Manager
FTE - Oracle Transportation Hub
FV - Oracle Federal Financials
GHR - Oracle Federal HR
GL - Oracle General Ledger
GMA - Oracle Process Manufacturing Systems
GMD - Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development
GME - Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution
GMF - Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials
GMI - Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory
GML - Oracle Process Manufacturing Logistics
GMP - Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Planning
GMS - Oracle Grants Accounting
GR - Oracle Process Regulatory Mgmt
HRI - Human Resources Intelligence
HXC - Oracle Time and Labor
HXT - Oracle Time and Labor Rules
IBA - iMarketing
IBC - Oracle iContent
IBE - iStore
IBP - Bill Presentment & Payment
IBU - iSupport
IBY - iPayment
ICX - Oracle Self-Service Web Applications
IEB - Oracle Interaction Blending
IEC - Oracle Campaign Plus
IEM - Oracle eMail Center
IEO - Call Center Technology
IES - Scripting
IEU - Oracle Universal Work Queue
IEX - Oracle Collections
IGC - Commitment Administration
IGF - Student Systems Fin Aid
IGI - Oracle International Public Sector Financials
IGS - Oracle Student Sytems
IGW - Oracle Grants Proposal
IMC - Oracle Customers Online
IMT - Oracle iMeeting
INV - Oracle Inventory
IPA - CRL Financials Projects
IPD - Oracle Product Development Exchange
ISC - Supply Chain Intelligence
ITG - Oracle Internet Procurement Enterprise Connector
JA - Asia/Pacific Localizations
JE - European Localizations
JG - Regional Localizations
JL - Latin America Localizations
JTF - CRM Foundation
JTM - Oracle CRM Mobile Foundation
JTS - Oracle CRM Self Service Administration
ME - Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul
MFG - Oracle Manufacturing
MRP - Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP
MSC - Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning
MSD - Oracle Demand Planning
MSO - Oracle Constraint Based Optimization
MSR - Oracle Risk Optimization
MWA - Mobile Applications
ODQ - Oracle Data Query
OE - Oracle Order Entry
OFA - Oracle Assets
OKB - Oracle Contracts for Subscriptions
OKC - Oracle Contracts Core
OKE - Oracle Project Contracts
OKI - Oracle Contracts Intelligence
OKL - Oracle Lease Management
OKO - Oracle Contracts for Sales
OKR - Oracle Contracts for Rights
OKS - Oracle Contracts Service Module
OKX - Oracle Contracts Integration
ONT - Oracle Order Management
OPI - Operations Intelligence
OTA - Oracle Training Administration
OZF - Funds & Budgets
OZP - Trade Planning
OZS - Oracle iClaims
PA - Oracle Projects
PAY - Oracle Payroll
PER - Oracle Human Resources
PJI - Oracle Project Intelligence
PJM - Oracle Project Manufacturing
PMI - Process Mfg Intelligence
PN - Oracle Property Manager
PO - Oracle Purchasing
POA - Purchasing Intelligence
POM - Oracle Exchange
PON - Oracle Sourcing
POS - Internet Supplier Portal
PQH - Oracle Public Sector HR
PQP - Oracle Public Sector Payroll
PRP - Oracle Proposals
PSA - Public Sector Applications
PSB - Oracle Public Sector Budgeting
PSP - Oracle Labor Distribution
PV - Partner Relationship Management
QA - Oracle Quality
QOT - Oracle Quoting
QP - Oracle Pricing
QRM - Oracle Risk Management
RG - Application Report Generator
RHX - Oracle Advanced Planning Foundation
RLA - Oracle Release Management Integration Kit
RLM - Oracle Release Management
SHT - Applications Shared Technology
SSP - Oracle SSP
SYSADMIN - System Administration
VEA - Oracle Automotive
VEH - Oracle Automotive Integration Kit
WIP - Oracle Work in Process
WMS - Oracle Warehouse Management System
WPS - Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling
WSH - Oracle Shipping
WSM - Shop Floor Management
XDP - Oracle Provisioning
XLA - Oracle Common Accounting Modules
XNB - Oracle eBusiness Billing
XNC - Oracle Sales for Communications
XNI - Oracle Install Base Intelligence
XNM - Marketing for Communications
XNP - Oracle Number Portability
XNS - Oracle Service for Communications
XTR - Oracle Treasury
ZFA - Oracle Financial Analyzer
ZSA - Oracle Sales Analyzer
It was nice to read this post.Enterprise applications are typically designed to interface or integrate with other enterprise applications used within the organization, and to be deployed across a variety of networks (Internet, Intranet and corporate networks) while meeting strict requirements for security and administration management.This post will be very much helpful.